Saturday, January 23, 2010

Am I the problem?

The way to solve different problems in our lives is obviously, to see where the root of it is. I have realized a lot of things about myself over the past 13 years that I didn't before and have worked on them to try and become a better me. It doesn't end overnight though...

I often times wonder if the reason why I am not finding a partner is not anything with them... but intrinsically something with me?? Do I do things (on a subconscious level) that make it difficult for either one of us to stay in the relationship? Am I being too nit-picky, using different "guidelines" as my basis and not deviating from those?

It seems the road to self-awareness is realizing that I am the common denominator in all of these relationships, so there must be something in me that needs to be "fixed" or "tweaked".


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