Thursday, October 23, 2008

Here is my list

My best friend told me I should write down what I want in a partner so that I can "create" that in my life and find that person who has what I need. So here goes... my list:

- someone who makes me a priority
- someone who is faithful and monogamous
- someone who thinks about me and lets me know they are
- someone who is taller than me - shallow I know, send your hate mail to
- someone smart
- someone funny
- someone who smiles
- someone who can make me laugh
- some who "gets" me, no matter what I might pretend
- someone who is not jealous
- someone who is attractive to me
- someone who is a good kisser (hey I like kissing)
- someone financially secure
- someone who is successful in their life
- someone who doesn't need to have children - but is open to the possibility
- someone who wants to be my partner in life and crime ;)
- someone who is ok with or without the idea of being married
- someone who loves me for me
- someone who makes time for me
- someone who loves intimacy & Sex
- someone who spends time with me AND my friends
- someone affectionate
- someone who communicates
- someone who listens to me and tries to help me through hard times
- someone who will love my cat
- someone who will love my Jessica
- someone who understands the meaning of family and what that entails
- someone who will take care of me when I am sick
- someone who will just plain take care of me (even if I say I don't want it)
- someone who will watch corny movies with me because it makes me happy
- someone who will walk along the beach and stare at the stars
- someone who whispers they love me, just because
- someone who will love giving me small trinkets to see me smile
- someone who smiles with their eyes
- someone whose soul touches mine
- i want my emotional soulmate

I will add to the list as time goes on. I am hoping that by writing them down and I will be that much closer to finding that someone who will be partner


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