Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My Box

We all have one. That safe bubble that we live within, ideas we have, things we do that are routine and standard. We stay within those confines because that is what we know... no need to worry about anything. No need to grow or try new things. It is nice and easy. Let's be honest - living with what we know and is "safe" is far simpler than venturing out side of that comfort zone and trying out new things.

I feel this is the decade for me to really discover myself and who I am. I am ready to meet someone ... whenever that may be. But I need to lay the ground work within me to make that happen. I also need to learn to accept things about myself and how others see me to make it work. That is also not an easy task. That prospect is terrifying , but with out that how will I become who I am really supposed to be? What if all the hardships and trials I have lived through all lead me to this point so that I could take that step, that leap and spread my wings? The only way to find out is by doing it.

So I am not making a New Year's Resolution... I am making it a Decade Goal: To go outside my comfort zone or "box", to love myself and to accept myself. Here is to an amazing 10 years!


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