Everyone needs friends... men, women - all of us need someone to talk to. Women .... we survive and thrive on the friendships we build and create. They are as fundamental as breathing to us. Men have friends to go out and watch games with, grab a bite to eat and bond. Women, we have friends to validate us, to build support systems and networks for ourselves. This is how we cope in the world. Our friends are essentially an extension of us. We find in them similar qualities and some qualities we seek to better in ourselves. They are our sounding boards, advisors, confessors and conspirators. They revel in all of the wonderful things that may happen in our lives: weddings, birthdays, accomplishments, births. They also help us through the hard times: deaths, break ups, divorces, work issues.... the list goes on. Friends see us at our highest points and at our lowest. Still they continue to love us.
Not everyone will be a "best" friend. All fill different roles in different areas of our lives. What we have to do is determine which area they help us in the most and let them shine there. There also comes a time, when we need to also realize that some friendships have run their course... there may be no going back. When lines are crossed that should never be crossed. Trying to step back over them is an almost impossible feat - going back is not always an option. Friendships are fragile and need to be nurtured. Lets listen closely to what our friends tell us. This is how we know what their limits, boundaries and breaking points are. Just because someone is your friend does not automatically mean that any wrong action will be glossed over or forgiven. Feelings get hurt, pride is stung and words are spoken that can never be taken back.
All of us should be grateful for the friends we have. Why? Because of these friends we are where we are today, we are WHO we are and we continue to grow as people. Even if someone is no longer a friend in our life, they still taught use something about ourselves.
Friendships make the world go round and life a far better place to live. I am thankful for everyone single one of mine. You all rawk!!! <3
Peez and luv :)
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