2009 is coming to an end. Where did a decade go? I can hardly believe that we survived the Y2K scare, as crazy as everyone made it seem. I turned 30, then I turned 35 and now I am 40. Maybe a bit worse for the wear but not any less loved.
I learned many things through this decade. I learned that I can survive without my family's support (never really had it but I did make it through), I made some wonderful friends and I also lost some friends. In that process I also realized that people will assume or think what they want - it really doesn't matter what you end up doing, whether it is good or bad - they have already made their minds up. Do I mourn those friendships? Possibly. Would I want them back? Not even if someone paid me. Those types of friends, who are like that, are not worth having around me or near me. I am happy with the handful of friends I currently have and they fulfill me enough. The rest needs to come from inside, from me.
That is another thing I've learned. Happiness comes from ME. I create it for myself. No one else can make me happy. They can help in making a situation so that the happiness is present, but only I can choose to focus on that or not. I am learning it bit by bit and my life is getting better as I learn. I sometimes feel I shouldn't be happy or that I don't deserve it... but those times are becoming less and less.
As always, I have been blessed with the most wonderful, caring, compassionate and amazing best friend anyone could ever ask for. She understands me to the "T" and no matter what, stands by me. I truly believe we were meant to be sisters but somehow our spirits were separated at birth and now we have met up again. We say the same things at the same time... we are in sync... it is uncanny. And I am thankful every day that she is my best friend. I love you bestie...
All in all, this past decade has taught me a lot about myself and about the people I love. It wasn't always an easy journey, but it was an exciting one. Cheers to the past and lets look forward to the future, and all the love and excitment it holds for all of us.
Love and peace to everyone :)
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